Parents For Life
With any teen or adult of child rearing age.
Of the ones that do want children most will want to raise their children in an intact biological family.
Most people before they have children do their best to get to know their intending spouse or parental partner. They will check out their family, their views about marriage, raising children and anything else that could potentially spoil a harmonious family life.
Well why is it then that 33 % of children according to the latest data (the Government ceased collecting this in 2013) we have do not get to live out their childhood in their intact biological family ? Our society's cultures and laws are very destructive of the family unit.
If you add in risk factors for parents separating such as:
-not getting legally married;
-one parent not coming from an intact biological family
(50 % more);
-two parents not coming from an intact biological family
(200 % more);
-friends and family for one or both parents separated by distance;
-one or both have a personality disorder;
-friends who are at higher risk of separation because divorce is contagious;
Then the odds are stacked against many parents remaining living together for the children's childhood.
In all likelihood 3 or more risk factors will mean that parents will almost inevitably separate before the children grow up. To prevent this from happening is kind of like defying gravity.
Most people think they can overcome the risk factors by being 'careful' kind of like drink drivers think they can avoid a crash by being 'careful' as well.
Once children reach late teens 65 % of children who are not living in their intact biological family usually do not get to see the visitor parent for 2 weeks at a time or longer. 26 % do not get to see one parent at all !
Increased risk of death * by:
-Suicide 213 %
-Violence 329 %
-Falls 254 %
-Addiction 452 %
A child living with a parent and a non biological partner was:
10 times more likely to suffer physical abuse
17 times more likely to suffer sexual abuse
8 times more likely to suffer emotional abuse
Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect for US Congress in 2010, page 164):
A significant but unknown proportion of children who do not live with both biological parents are psychologically abused especially those who seldom get to see a parent.
High 'ACE' score leading to significantly increased poor long term health affects.
Increased risk of death:
The questions to ask are:
What are your statistical odds of the intact family breaking down ? is it 40 % or more like 80 or 90 % ?
What can you do to go against the statistical odds of the family you start breaking down that is different to what other people have done that does not work ?
If you start a family and it does break down what plan do you have to prevent the damaging risks to your children that other people fail to do ?
Sadly many parents feel frustrated by the other parent restricting their time with their child and seek out the family court in the mistaken belief this will help. The lack of people trained in restoring broken families that work in the family court system along with the adversarial nature of the family court almost always damages parental relationship with children and sometimes totally destroys it.
What is your backup plan ?
Failing to plan is PLANNING TO FAIL !
* On-line copy